Engineering Projects
Tipsy the multimodal Search and rescue robot
Tipsy is a multimodal surveillance drone capable of flying and driving. Tipsy was inspired by drones used for disaster response that must traverse precarious and variable environments. Tipsy can surmount obstacles by flying over them as well as use its propellers to balance while driving. It is also more energy efficient as driving is more efficient than sustained flight. Tipsy is very cost-effective as it is built using standard RC-car and FPV drone components making it more accessible to the communities that need it most. Videos, CAD models, and a report on the design are available in the article.
Rickishi the Sumo wresting robot
Risckishi is a sumo wrestling robot designed to push its opponents out of a rubber ring. Rickishi was designed to have better pushing power and more stability and its opponents while also having a wedge to lift its opponents. All the electrical and mechanical hardware was fabricated in-house including the chassis, PCB and silicone wheels. A full report and CAD model is available in the article.